Globe and Mail: The benefits of an office holiday party shouldn’t be discounted

This article originally appeared in the Globe and Mail

With the holiday season just around the corner, the planning of office festivities is already well under way for many companies. But with everything from the #MeToo movement to legal cannabis to budget cuts, some business owners may be considering eliminating the holiday office party all together. Despite the potential pitfalls, there are good reasons why it’s important to keep to tradition and celebrate the season with employees.

Why it’s important

The most important reason to throw a holiday party is that it’s a tangible expression of appreciation for your employees. Everyone likes to feel that their efforts throughout the year are noticed and rewarded. Even if your employees are well compensated, it’s still a nice gesture to acknowledge their contributions to your success. A well-planned party can go a long way toward building loyalty and retaining top performers.

If done right, a holiday party goes beyond team building to one of culture building. It’s hard to care about the work we do every day if we don’t care about the team that surrounds us. The holiday party can be a good reminder of this and add social glue that helps keep teams motivated. Keep in mind that the party is an expression of your culture; as Richard Branson said, “The way you treat your employees is the way your employees will treat your customers.”

It’s also a good idea to occasionally just let people do something fun, despite the potential for social faux-pas or legal cautions. Employee engagement includes opportunities to relax, have fun and connect with each other in social settings. This is the one time of year when everyone expects to have a party – whether they celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or another holiday. Of course, that doesn’t mean employees (or executives) should treat it as a frat house crawl. Include a friendly (not policy-driven) message in the invitation about responsible use of alcohol or cannabis to establish your concern for safety of all employees and follow best practices such as providing taxi chits to and from the event. Be the first to abide by this message; executives should, under no circumstances, get drunk or otherwise partake in bad behaviour if they still want to be respected the next day.

Party planning: How to do it right

Don’t scrimp. The holiday party is a “thank you” for employees so – within your means – don’t be cheap. One of my larger clients plays to host to an extravagant four-course dinner at prime locations each year, where everyone is dressed in their finest. Another client – a small business – plays to host to a lovely late afternoon cocktail party in the office. In each case, the employees equally appreciate and look forward to the event because the gesture is authentic and generous, commensurate with the company’s size and financial performance for the year. Also, allow people to bring a spouse. If budget doesn’t allow it, do something at the office during working hours instead.

Gauge the situation. If you haven’t had a good year or had to lay people off, a glitzy party will be poorly received as employees will question money spent on a party rather than saving their co-workers’ jobs. In this case, a low-key lunch at the office is probably more appropriate. Use the opportunity to speak to the challenges the company has had but let employees know how much you appreciate their efforts and be positive about the year ahead.

Get feedback. Again, this event is about your employees, not you. Sometimes it can feel as if decisions are made in a vacuum by the higher-ups, and the holiday party feels more like a perk designed for executives. Create an employee social committee, preferably with a representative from each department, to get input on the location, decor, entertainment, food and drink. Give the committee parameters and a budget and have them come to you with ideas on what to do. You won’t make everyone happy, but you’ll increase the chances that it’s well received.

Be inclusive. One of the reasons my aforementioned client’s party is so successful is that the executives are not sequestered away, talking among themselves. Instead, they seat one executive at each table and then, between each course, mingle with everyone in the room.

Express genuine appreciation. Employees can see through a false thank you. And don’t grand-stand or make lengthy speeches; thank everyone for their hard work, encourage them to enjoy themselves and wish them a happy holiday. Then get out of the way and let people have a good time.

National Post: How to support your staff to get the sleep they need

A new study shows that close to 40% of Canadians workers say they loose sleep because of work. And when you're tired, you're not as productive as you could be. The good news is that as the boss there is something you can do to help them. I had the chance to speak with the National Post's Denise Deveau about ways employers can support their staff in getting the sleep they need.

Read the full article here.

Globe and Mail: Leaders and HR need to step up their game to prevent sexual harassment


Original Published in the Globe and Mail

In Gandalf Group's recent C-Suite Survey, 94 per cent of respondents said that sexual harassment was not an issue in their workplace.

Notably, 95 per cent of these C-Suite executives in the survey were male. Even in the age of the #MeToo movement – particularly in small organizations that aren't in the spotlight – CEOs often don't want to hear about a sexual harassment issue, particularly if it has to do with a top performer behaving badly. All too often, they turn a blind eye to the situation and find any excuse not to deal with it.

The fact that such an overwhelming percentage of top-ranking executives don't believe it is an issue speaks volumes. Over the course of my career as a human resources professional, I can attest to plenty of situations when a C-Suite executive has refused to believe or act on sexual harassment claims. In one example, I took on a project with a mid-sized firm. When I started the project, the president's executive assistant warned me not to go into a meeting alone with the vice-president of sales. When I asked why this was tolerated, I was told that it was because he was responsible for 50 per cent of the sales revenue. He wasn't going anywhere.

Depending on how senior or how successful the alleged perpetrator is, or how much the company relies on that person, the CEO will either say they don't believe the complaint or aren't prepared to do anything about it. The HR professional then has to go back to the employee and deliver that message.

It's a difficult spot to be in. Employees think the role of HR is to be their advocate and become angry when HR can't resolve issues for them. With so many recent sexual-assault allegations making headlines, many have accused HR of not taking a strong enough position to advocate for the victim. Instead, they are seen as protecting the company and its image – or worse, as having no power to do anything.

In truth, HR's role is to facilitate a work environment in which both the employer and the employee are satisfied and engaged. Much like a mediator, an HR leader does not simply advocate for the employee or the company; he or she is also focused on making informed recommendations for the greater good that benefit both sides. And that role can become extremely challenging whenever those two outcomes are at odds with one another, or when it's the boss himself who is perpetrating the harassment.

Policies only go so far

The Gandalf study also found that leadership is one of the most important factors in preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Indeed, while probably every company can point to its long list of policies on appropriate conduct and other issues, the reality is that all the policies in the world will not impact harassment. A piece of paper does not alter behaviour on its own. It is the leadership behind the policies, and the fortitude to enforce them, that moves the needle.

The CEO and HR leader each have important roles to play, especially when it comes to allegations of sexual harassment. They need an open and honest relationship with each other that enables frank discussion. Such relationships don't happen overnight or without effort, and both need to work at building trust. This relationship should be forged early on and should consider all employee-related matters, preferably before having to deal with a sexual harassment (or any other) complaint.

When these types of issues are raised, a CEO has these responsibilities:

  • Listen to the HR leader. HR knows what is going on in the company. They hear things and understand the employees better than the CEO.

  • Take it seriously. Don’t dismiss the allegations without exploring them. Make it a priority to find the truth.

  • Disallow enabling. To say “he was just joking” is not a valid excuse. There is no justification for this type of behaviour.

For their part, HR must present issues credibly and demonstrate good judgment and critical thinking. What they need to do:

  • Address the CEO in terms they understand. Listen to the CEO and the specific concerns raised. Ignoring or dismissing these concerns will result in losing credibility with him or her.

  • Present the facts. Don’t bring up suppositions or gossip, and make no assumptions. Treat this with the seriousness it deserves.

  • Recommend a plan of action. Anticipate what the CEO’s concerns and objections will be, and address them in your recommendation using a balanced approach.

Both CEOs and HR leaders must avoid drawing any conclusions before getting the full picture. They also need to be aware that their own personal relationships are impacted by how they handle such incidents – both internally with employees and externally with stakeholders.

And don't make the mistake of thinking there will be no consequences. There will be.

Left unaddressed, sexual harassment allegations can affect the business in a number of ways: lost revenue from employee disengagement, lost productivity, damage to the company's reputation, an inability to attract and retain top employees and even lawsuits.

Quite frankly, there can't be anyone who rationally believes that harassment is okay. The perpetrator of such behaviour feels entitled, confident they won't be caught or that nothing will happen to them.

I once told a president that I had reason to believe one of his executives was harassing one of the managers. He told me he had asked a couple of the other executives, and they told him that this individual was "just kidding" and that the manager needed to "loosen up." After further discussion, however, he begrudgingly acted on the allegation and fired the executive in question. As a result, employee engagement scores went up noticeably – both related to the company and to his leadership.

When HR professionals take a credible, fact-based approach with CEOs, and when CEOs are open to dialogue and action, they can work together to encourage a respectful culture, giving the problem of sexual harassment the gravitas it deserves. It's not an issue that will be changed overnight, or possibly even within our generation. But perhaps the movement we are witnessing across industries everywhere will finally hasten lasting change in order to stop sexual harassment both in, and outside of, the workforce.

Globe and Mail: Evaluating leadership performance beyond profitability

Originally Published in the Globe and Mail

Anyone who has worked for someone else can usually distinguish between good and bad leadership skills. The reality is that most leaders fall somewhere in between, striking some balance between doing certain things right but often getting others wrong. While nobody is perfect, if you're an entrepreneur, job seeker or middle manager aspiring to climb the career ladder, developing the right leadership skills will be key to your success.

While financial results are often used to evaluate performance, there's a need for leadership metrics beyond just managing a spreadsheet. A cursory read of the recent woes at big companies such as Uber and Google point to the fallout of corporate leaders' shortcomings.

But do you really know what aspects of your performance are being evaluated? Delivering on your quotas or the bottom line may be a given, but beyond profitability it's critical that employees in leadership positions focus on doing what's right, rather than simply doing it right. When you're evaluating yourself or the management team of a prospective employer, you'll need to objectively assess skills and abilities in leadership, strategy and people management – and identify areas that need improvement.

Leadership lessons: Great leaders don't just happen. Most have had the benefit of a good mentor, but also invest plenty of time reading, learning and absorbing the experience of other successful leaders who they admire. While the perfect mix of skills and traits may be arguable, there are several abilities that every leader should have or develop.

Commitment: This is a basic requirement, especially for entrepreneurs. How committed are you to achieving the business's goals? Do you have the perseverance and resolve to carry through with and mobilize others in the pursuit of your or the company's vision? Are you able to effectively sell that vision and keep the momentum going?

Communication: While public speaking and persuasiveness are important, active listening is key to being in touch with what's really going on, especially the higher up you are. You need to be engaged enough to read people and gain their trust. If you have a good person in the right role, but they don't seem to be thriving, take a deeper look at yourself to make sure you're effectively communicating your vision and listen to feedback on how you could improve.

Making decisions: Leaders often possess qualified expertise in one or several areas, but also need the courage to push forward despite uncertainty. Do you have the confidence to take risks and make sound decisions? If you don't have sufficient knowledge or skills required, do you learn them or find others who can provide it?

Developing talent: As the leader of an organization, one of the most important mirrors to your company's success is how the people under your leadership are developing. Are you actively developing and motivating staff? Do you encourage coaching and mentoring among the team? Are you seeing progress and growth in their roles?

Managing people: Employees take their cues from the top, so make sure you're setting the right example and culture. If a leader is authentic, and demonstrates interest in employees' and customers' well being, while encouraging open communication, that is how employees will behave – toward each other and toward customers. A leader who is rude and dismissive will only foster a culture of similar behaviour. Look at turnover rates, success of internal initiatives, employee involvement and other culture indicators. If there is a culture issue, employees either leave or they aren't engaged. If you identify an issue, it likely means you haven't been making workplace culture a priority.

Future strategy: The first question to ask here is, do you have a strategy? To be a leader, you'll need to plan for the way forward. Initially, this may simply be a plan for your own career trajectory, but once in a senior leadership role you'll need to articulate and sell your strategy for the company to the executive team and the company at large. Take a hard look at what you have in place. Can you show progress? Do you have everyone's buy-in or merely lip service? Is there a succession plan, and is it realistic?

Being good at your job does not necessarily translate into a promotion or invitation to the president's club. Many people are effective in their role but don't have, or perhaps aren't interested in learning the necessary leadership skills that can catapult them up the career ladder. By taking an honest and objective look at yourself in these and other areas, you'll be better able to hone the leadership skills that will help you stand out no matter what your position – to employers, staff or customers. Even if your ascent is already under way, there's always something more to learn on the path to leadership greatness.

CEOs: Do you really know how you’re being evaluated?

Uber’s scandals over the past year among the top echelons – along with those of other companies ­– points to a slew of failings at the CEO level. From allegations of sexual harassment and gender/racial bias to legal violations and general bad behavior, the company’s actions have revealed critical gaps in its leadership evaluation, whether that evaluation was self-imposed or external. If it isn’t already, this should a wakeup call for leaders and boards across companies everywhere.


Most businesses ultimately exist to create a profit, yes, but businesses are built on people. Leaders have a clear understanding of the financial metrics that they need to meet, often focusing on these as the primary indicator of the company’s health. But with a single mindedness on the numbers, you might not be giving enough thought to the other aspects of your performance that your stakeholders, board or advisory committee are taking into consideration. In an era of fraud, ‘bro culture’ and persistent gender or racial inequality, there are critical performance metrics beyond finances that must be measured if a company aims to succeed in the long run. And for a CEO to truly define what great leadership is.


So do you really know what aspects of your performance are being evaluated? It’s not uncommon for a CEO to feel blindsided when they are evaluated beyond the financial metrics. But beyond profitability, a critical role for the board of directors is also to determine the values to be promoted throughout the company, as well as act in the interest of the employees.  Here are some of the other aspects of performance that a good board is – or should be – evaluating for:


•  Developing Talent: Are the members of your executive team being developed?  Are you seeing progress and growth in their roles? Are they being encouraged to coach and mentor their staff? As the leader of an organization, one of the most important mirrors to your company’s success is how the people under your leadership are developing. Communication is important, but so is listening. You need to be engaged enough to read people and gain their trust. If you have a good person in the right role, but they don’t seem to be thriving, take a deeper look at your own leadership to make sure you’re effectively communicating your own vision.


•  People Management: Look at turnover rates, success of internal initiatives, employee involvement and other culture indicators. If there is a culture issue, employees are either leaving or they aren’t engaged. Culture starts with you at the top. If you identify an issue, it likely means you haven’t been making workplace culture a priority. Turnover and low productivity will cost you in the end, so make changes now to keep your organization running smoothly.


•  Future Strategy: First question to ask: do you have one? As the senior leader in your organization, having a plan for the way forward, and communicating it effectively is your primary goal. Take a hard look at what you have in place, and whether your people know about it.


Without these performance metrics a CEO, and the board, are not doing their job with due diligence. And ironically, with an eye focused solely on the finances, profits will soon take a dive, as Uber learned, ending Q1 with a $700 million loss. And it doesn’t take a lot of evaluation to know that’s not a good thing.

Globe and Mail: The Shifting Landscape of Human Resources

The following article was originally published in the Globe and Mail

When I network with young people who are considering a career in human resources, I always ask them why they are interested in HR. What attracts them? What do they hope to accomplish? The answer is, most often, “Because I want to help people.” At the other end of the hierarchy, I was once told by the chief executive of a global firm that, after having been encouraged to add a woman to his all-male leadership team, he decided to create a vice-president of human resources role, because “that’s a nice job for a woman.”

A woman’s role?

The perception of HR as a woman’s profession persists. This image that it is people-based, soft and empathetic, and all about helping employees work through issues leaves it largely populated by women as the stereotypical nurturer. Even today, these “softer” skills are seen as less appealing – or intuitive – to men who may gravitate to perceived strategic, analytical roles, and away from employee relations.


On the upside, the propensity to equate female attributes to human resources has made it the only profession where women have outpaced men in the upper ranks – at least in number. According to an HR study in the United States, women represent 73 per cent of HR manager roles, and 55 per cent of C-suite HR executives – just edging out men. But that may be the closest to gender parity we’ll get, given 2014 statistics from the U.S. Department of Labour that reveal men earn up to 40 per cent more than their female counterparts in HR, for similar roles across both junior and senior levels.

Radical shift

The downside is that the HR profession has suffered from a lack of credibility – until now, that is. The times are changing, something both women and men studying or working in HR need to understand. As with nearly every other industry, HR is not immune to disruption. Business needs are changing radically, as are expectations of HR from within the top ranks at large, well-run companies. This change has created an opportunity that places HR in a valuable, new leadership position. As the 2017 Deloitte Global Capital Human Trends survey highlights, thanks to the digital age and an agile mindset, employers are demanding new skills from HR professionals, through the leveraging of technology for more data-driven insights and talent analytics, and employment experiences. These skills are imperative for HR to deliver value to the business – and across the organization.

A quick scan of recruitment ads for senior HR roles already reveals this shift. Reskilling the stock of HR talent is critical and may be why an earlier Deloitte report found an increasing trend for CEOs to bring in non-HR professionals to fill the role of chief human resource officer. This supports my own experience that often when a male executive is responsible for HR, he didn’t get there through the HR ranks and may in fact have no HR background, but got there because of his business acumen.

While these new skill requirements will surely appeal to a wider male audience, the reality is that HR professionals will need to combine both those “softer” people skills with “harder” business and analytical skills, not one or the other. Men and women in HR need to elevate their performance if they are to succeed moving forward. For example, performance management, including coaching and developing top talent for leadership roles, is more important than ever. Balancing intuitive ability with strong analytical skills and fluency in business strategy will be key in making recommendations at the board level.

So how can we attract more men and women to the profession who possess the necessary business and analytical skills, in addition to people skills, and who are interested in contributing at a strategic level in order to effect change? How can we support women on the path to the C-Suite? And how do we reposition the role of HR in many organizations to be more strategic?

Raising expectations

Companies of all sizes would benefit from education and direction on how to use and maximize their HR employees, from the junior level up. Start by putting an HR consultant on the board and an HR person at the leadership table. Demand strategic vision from both and the use of hard metrics to provide relevant insights to the business.

Now is the time to change your expectations of HR and begin to include it in discussions early – and often. HR needs to be seen and positioned as integral to the business, and employers must set expectations – from women and men – to be strategic businesses leaders, not just coaches or party planners. Employers need to underscore and promote diversity on the path to the top. Men need to feel greater acceptance in a traditionally female environment, but both men and women equally need to be trained and supported in their transition, with executive mentors to follow, in order to be successful.