The Benefits of Hiring Students/Youth
/Are you considering hiring a student this summer? Do you need temporary, motivated staff to finish a pressing project? The federal government has shown a commitment to student employment by boosting funding for a variety of youth jobs and co-op placements. Businesses are poised to benefit, as are students. Even a short-term job can give a young person the opportunity to gain skills, learn about a work sector, network and build their resume.
For a business owner, there are numerous benefits to hiring a student, or recent graduate, and here are just a few:
Inexpensive Labour – New staff will add to your bottom line, but keep in mind that the wages of student employees are usually significantly less than those of full-time staff. Additional costs such as benefits may be minimal. As well, there are numerous programs in place at the federal and provincial level to encourage hiring young people (usually for those between the ages of 15-29) and this will help offset the expense. Also, students tend to be highly motivated employees. For example, co-op students want, and need, a challenging job placement to support their studies. Take advantage of their energy by setting up projects and establishing concrete goals for them.
Help During Peak Times – Every company has a busy time, and temporary student employees can be an excellent way to provide support and relief to your full-time staff. If there’s a project that you haven’t been able to complete even though it’s been a priority, bringing in a student can help get it done. Students may be especially interested in these opportunities because it will enhance their work experience and look good on their resume. Consider incorporating student hires into your budget and business cycle.
A Fresh Perspective – Students often come into a new job bursting with ideas from concepts they’ve just learned. Take advantage of this enthusiasm by having them look at your business with fresh eyes. They may help you question your “tried and true” processes and provide insights that will help you improve your business. For example, are you using Instagram or Snapchat? A young person is undoubtedly well versed in social media so leverage their tech savvy skills to promote your business in new ways.
Future Employees – A temporary hire – whether it’s for the summer, a co-op student or an intern – is a fairly risk-free way to test out a person for full-time employment. When you are ready to hire, you’ll already have a sense of their skills, work ethic, and overall “fit” into the culture of your business. And they will also know if they like your workplace. A temporary student hire could be a great investment in building your future staff.
Clearly, there are many business benefits to hiring a student or young person. By taking advantage of the various government programs, you can easily hire someone, even on a budget. Of course, the experience ideally should benefit the young person as much as the employer. Provide them with appropriate goals and help them acquire some new skills while they are with you. A rich experience that involves coaching and mentoring will help shape the workforce of the future.